Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ready for December?

December is just around the corner, so don't let the holidays leave you behind on the internship search. Send out your applications now so you won't have to wait until the last minute in between the turkey leg and the holiday gift-giving.

Good luck!


Dec. 1, 2008

Des Moines Register

Address: 715 Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309

Circulation: 138,519 daily; 222,122 Sundays

Openings: News, Sports, Multimedia, Copy Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior. Must also be a journalism major or have demonstrated commitment to print journalism. Experience on a college publication and a previous internship are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, maximum 6 clips, three references. Multimedia candidates can provide a URL where their portfolio can be viewed or send a portfolio on a disc.

Contact: Audrey Odessa Burgs, Night City Editor, (515) 284-8065

Other: Our program is at a level that may overwhelm one who has not worked on a professional daily newspaper. The ability to speak Spanish and knowledge of Iowa also are valuable. For more details, visit the Register’s internships page.


Florida Times-Union

Address: P.O. Box 1949, Jacksonville, FL 32231

Circulation: 144,391 daily; 201,352 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Design, Graphics, Photo Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $375-$500 / week (based on years of college)

To Qualify: Preference given to those who have held previous summer internships and individuals who have proved an interest in a print journalism career.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé (including GPA), two references (at least one from within the academic community).

Contact: Coulter Kirkpatrick, Administrative Editor, (904) 359-4573

Other: It is not necessary that applicants be journalism majors, but it is desirable. Interns must have their own vehicles. For more details, visit the Times-Union’s internships page.


KXAN NBC 36 (Austin, Texas)

Address: 908 W. MLK Blvd., Austin, TX 78701

Openings: News, Web, Graphics Duration: Spring

Salary: Unpaid (min. 15 hours/week) For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Prior experience not required but a bonus. Some positions require knowledge of AP style and a copy-editing exam.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and two references by e-mail. (News applicants also need to fill out an online application form.)

Contact: News: Haley Cihock, (512) 476-3636

Other: For more details, visit KXAN’s internships page.


The Oklahoman/NewsOK.com

Address: P.O. Box 25125, Oklahoma City, OK 73

Circulation: 201,771 daily; 262,150 Sundays

Openings: 10 total: Reporting, Copy Editing, Design, Graphics, Online, Video and Photography

Duration: Summer 2009

Salary: $450 weekly For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must be juniors, seniors or graduate students. Prefer college newspaper, professional newspaper and/or online experience. A previous internship is required.

How to apply: Cover letter, resume and 5-7 clips.

Contact: Joe Hight, Director of Information & Development, (405) 475-3913

Other: A car is needed, a driver's license is required. Help with finding housing is available.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Palm Beach Post

Address: P.O. Box 24700, West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Circulation: 164,474 daily; 195,608 Sundays

Openings: Metro, Business news Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $475/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: At least one previous professional internship.

How to apply: Cover letter explaining interest in The Post, résumé, references and 5-7 clips.

Contact: Lynn Kalber, Director of Administration/Newsroom, (561) 820-4400

Other: For more information, visit The Post’s online internships page.


The Roanoke Times

Address: Times P.O. Box 2491 Roanoke, Va. 24010

Circulation: 88,927 daily; 100,120 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Design, Web Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid / Full-time

To Qualify: Preference given to those who have had a previous internship or worked for college newspaper.

How to apply: Application form, cover letter, résumé, three references, 8-10 clips or a portfolio.


News: Dan Casey, Senor Editor for Enterprise, (540) 981-3340

Photo: Dan Beatty, Director of Photography, (540) 981-3340

Design and Web: Andrew Svec, Presentation Editor, (540) 981-3340

Other: For more information, visit the Times’ internships page.


Star Tribune

Address: 425 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55488

Circulation: 322,362 daily; 534,750 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $650/week

To Qualify: Applicants who’ve completed their junior year and have had a previous internship are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips/portfolio and two letters of reference.

Contact: Brenda Rotherham, Recruiting Manager, (612) 673-4422

Other: For more information, visit the Star Tribune’s internships page.


The Tampa Tribune

Address: 200 S. Parker St., Tampa, FL 33606

Circulation: 220,522 daily; 283,784 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Application form, Cover letter, resume, 6 clips, 500-word essay, 3 references.

Contact: Duke Maas, Managing Editor, (813) 259-7600

Other: For more information, see the Tribune’s internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


USA Today

Address: 7950 Jones Branch Drive, 7th Floor, McLean, VA 22108

Circulation: 2,284,219 daily

Openings: 30 total - Most newsroom departments, Photo, Graphics, Audio/Video

Duration: 12 weeks – Summer

Salary: Unpaid, except for a $200 monthly transportation stipend. For Credit: Mandatory

How to apply: Apply online, or send cover letter (indicating top three preferences for placement, detailed skills and availability), three references, resumé, 3-5 clips or links to online work.

Contact: newsroominterns@usatoday.com

Other: For more details, visit USA Today’s internships page. With the exception of Life and Money internships, all interns are placed in the Washington D.C. headquarters.


The Virginian-Pilot

Address: 150 W. Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23510

Circulation: 175,005 daily; 200,012 Sundays

Openings: 12 total: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: 12 weeks, Summer

Salary: $575/week

To Qualify: Experience on a college newspaper is required and a previous internship is preferred. Preference goes to juniors and seniors, though sophomores and graduate students also are eligible.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, three references, 9-10 clips (or at least 20 samples for Photo, Design and Graphics applicants).

Contact: Denise Bridges, Director of Newsroom Recruitment

Other: News and photo applicants must have their own car.


WJBK Fox2 (Detroit, Mich.)

Address: Box 2000, 16550 West 9 Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48037-2000

Openings: News, Weather, Sports, Health, Web, etc. Duration: 12 weeks – Spring

Salary: Unpaid For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior and available to work 15 hours per week.

How to apply: Application form, cover letter, résumé. Send to “ATTN: Intern Coordinator.”

Contact: Debra Lawson , (248) 552-5218

Other: For more information, visit Fox2’s internships page.



Dec. 5, 2008

Kaiser Family Foundation

Address: 2400 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Openings: Health reporting (Print) Duration: 12 weeks, Summer

Salary: min. $500 / week

To Qualify: Previous internships are a plus. Strong writing skills and previous newsroom reporting experience are essential. Priority is given to journalists who have studied/reported on health issues and those who are bilingual and/or bicultural.

How to apply: Cover letter, a separate sheet indicating preferences for placement, résumé, references, clips. [Broadcast applicants should send transcripts – not DVDs or tapes.]

Contact: Penny Duckham, Executive Director, (650) 234-9220

Other: The Media Internship Program provides an initial week-long briefing on health issues and health reporting in Washington, D.C. Interns are then based for ten weeks at their newspaper/radio or TV station, typically under the direction of the Health or Metro Editor/News Director, where they report on health issues

For more details, visit the Foundation’s fellowships page.


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