Friday, August 15, 2008

Newspapers & Wire Services

- This list will be periodically updated as more internship positions become available. -

(Last updated 9:30 p.m. Oct. 15)


The (Allentown, Penn.) Morning Call

Address: P.O Box 1260, Allentown, Pa. 18105

Circulation: 108,797 daily; 140,789 Sundays

Openings: News (2), Photo (2), Sports (1) Duration: Summer, 12 weeks

Salary: about $350/week (40 hours per week) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Campus newspaper experience or previous internships are required.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 6-10 clips and three references.

Contact: Jack Tobias, City Desk, (610) 820-6553

Deadline: Jan. 15


Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Address: PO Box 2221, Little Rock, AR 72203

Circulation: 182,212 daily; 274,494 Sundays

Openings: Various Duration: Summer

To Qualify: A junior or senior with prior internship experience is preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, resume, references and up to 10 clips.

Contact: Internship Coordinator, (501) 378-3485

Deadline: Nov. 30


The Associated Press

Openings: 24 total -- News, Photo, Video, Graphics, Online Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid / Full-time For Credit: Possible

To Qualify: Must be at least a full-time senior. At least one previous internship preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter (describing qualities and accomplishments and what you expect to gain from an AP internship), résumé, one letter of reference from a current professor on school letterhead.

Contact: Contact local AP bureau chief, or send questions to

Deadline: Nov. 15


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Address: 72 Marietta St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30303

Circulation: 326,907 daily; 497,149 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $550 / week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior. Previous professional daily deadline experience preferred. Must have worked on the campus newspaper or other publications.

How to apply: Cover letter, resumé, references, maximum 10 clips and a 500-word essay explaining why you want to be a journalist and how an internship at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will help you pursue your goal.

Contact: Karen Park, Newsroom Recruiter

Other: For more details, visit the Journal-Constitution’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 16, 2008


Austin American-Statesman

Address: 305 S. Congress Ave., Austin, Texas 78704

Circulation: 170,309 daily; 206,505 Sundays

Openings: 8 – Reporting, Copy, Web, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: Summer

Salary: $450 / week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: College experience or a previous internship is a plus.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, two references, clips and a 2-3 page autobiography that tells us about you and your interest in newspaper journalism.

Contact: Drew Marcks, Asst. Managing Editor, (512) 445-3661

Other: Free housing is provided through St. Edward’s University. Interns will be required to have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and transportation. For more details visit the Statesman’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 1


Baltimore Sun

Address: 501 N. Calvert St., P.0. Box 1377, Baltimore, MD 21278

Circulation: 232,360 daily; 372,970 Sundays

Openings: Features/Online Duration: Fall, Winter, Spring

Salary: Unpaid (10-12 hours/week) For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Journalism majors preferred. Must be familiar with AP style and possess strong writing and editing skills. Knowledge of HTML is helpful but not necessary.

How to apply: E-mail cover letter, résumé, and two clips.

Contact: Rebecca Hyler, Features producer, (410) 464-2886

Deadline: Fall – Sept. 30, Spring – Jan. 31, Summer – June 30


Baltimore Sun

Address: 501 N. Calvert St., P.0. Box 1377, Baltimore, MD 21278

Circulation: 232,360 daily; 372,970 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Graphics, Photo Duration: Fall, Winter, Spring

Salary: $531/week

To Qualify: Previous internship at a daily newspaper is required.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 6-8 clips and two professional references.

Contact: Sam Davis, (410) 332-6534

Deadline: Open


The Birmingham News

Address: P.O. Box 2553, Birmingham, AL 35202

Circulation: 140,438 daily; 170,151 Sundays

Openings: Photo (1) Duration: 6 months (January-June, July-December)

Salary: $450 / week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior, who has completed substantial coursework in journalism, worked for campus or other publications and maintained a B-average.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and portfolio.

Contact: Walt Stricklin, Director of Photography, (205) 325-2242

Other: Interns will be expected to work as a full-fledged journalist generating many of your own assignments, coordinating stories with other news departments and covering spot news, sports and features. Every intern is assigned a mentor and receives daily critiques. Our emphasis is on helping the profession by producing well-rounded journalists.

These are highly competitive internships and there is no set deadline for applying. We are looking at portfolios all year long.

For more details, visit The News’ internships page.

Deadline: March 15 (begins July 1), Oct. 15 (begins Jan. 1)


Cedar Rapids Gazette

Address: P.O. Box 511, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

Circulation: 57,945 daily; 71,521 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo Duration: Summer

Salary: Paid (Full-time)

How to apply: Cover letter, resumé, clips.

Contact: Shonna Woods, Recruiter, Gazette Communications

Other: Photo interns receive an equipment allowance. For more details, visit the Gazette’s internships page.

Deadlines: Jan. 1


Chattanooga Times Free Press

Address: P.O. Box 1447, Chattanooga, TN 37403

Circulation: 71,716 daily; 95,039 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Graphics, Photo Duration: Fall, Spring, Summer

Salary: $400/week

To Qualify: Campus newspaper experience and prior internships are desirable. Post-grads accepted.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips.

Contact: Mark Kennedy, Lifestyles Editor, (423) 757-6645

Other: Fall internships: July-Dec. Spring: Jan-June. Summer: June-Aug.

Deadline: Open


Chicago Tribune

Address: 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611

Circulation: 541,663 daily; 898,703 Sundays

Openings: Various Duration: Summer

To Qualify: A previous internship is required.

How to apply: Resume, cover letter, 10-15 clips, 3 references.

Contact: Sheila Solomon, Senior Editor for Recruiting, (800) 874-2863

Deadline: Nov. 30


The Colorado Springs Gazette

Address: 30 S. Prospect St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Circulation: 93,859 daily; 109,603 Sundays

Openings: News (4), Design, Copy Duration: June 8, 2009 - Aug. 14, 2009

Salary: $10 / hour (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Prefer at least journalism sophomores with previous newsroom experience. Self-reliance and computer literacy are required. (Reporting interns must have access to a reliable car).

How to apply: Cover letter (including availability and qualifications), résumé, maximum six clips.

Contact: Connie Steele, Newsroom Administrator

Other: Reporting interns will write general assignment stories and produce occasional projects for Metro, Features, Business or Entertainment sections. Copy-editing and design can expect to work in the evenings.

Photo interns are also employed throughout the year. Please direct inquiries to Mark Reis

For-credit internships must be arranged through school.

Deadline: Dec. 31. Finalists will be contacted no later than Jan. 31.


The Columbus Dispatch

Address: 34 S. 3rd St., Columbus, Ohio 43215

Circulation: 199,524 daily; 334,422 Sundays

Openings: Editorial, Photo, Copy, etc. Duration: Summer

Salary: Paid For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must have prior experience – preferably at a newspaper. Preference goes to juniors, but younger/older students can be chosen if they demonstrate exceptional clips and experience.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips. Letters of reference are not required but help.

Contact: Alan Miller, Managing Editor/News, (614) 461-5200

City: Ruth Hanley, Asst. City Editor

State: Paul Souhrada, State Editor

Business: Ron Carter, Business Editor

Features: Mary Lynn Plageman, Managing Editor

Sports: Ray Stein, Sports Editor

Copy: Danny Goodwin, News Editor

Electronic Publishing: Gary Kiefer

Photo: Karl Kuntz, Managing Editor

Graphic Arts: Scott Minister, Art Director

Other: It also helps to know about The Dispatch and the region it covers. Read the paper and be able to articulate its strengths and weaknesses, its style and content, your likes and dislikes.

Deadline: Oct. 31


The (Louisville, Ky.) Courier-Journal

Address: 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, K.Y. 40202

Circulation: 215,328 daily; 258,778 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy Desk, Photo, Design, Online, Editorial

Duration: 12 weeks – Summer.

Salary: $500 / week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: None.

How to apply: Cover letter (not exceeding 500 words), résumé, maximum 10 clips.

Contact: Mary Pat Falk, Manager of News Administration, (502) 582-4616

Other: Send applications to: Bennie Ivory, Executive Editor and Vice President/News, 525 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202

Deadline: Oct. 17


(Arlington Heights, Ill.) Daily Herald

Address: P.O. Box 280, Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0280

Circulation: 143,152 daily; 141,091 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Application, resume, cover letter, clips.

Contact: Heather Ritter, Asst. Human Resources Manager

Other: For more information, see the Herald’s internships page.

Deadline: Jan. 15


The Denver Post

Address: 101 W. Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado, 80202

Circulation: 225,192 daily; 600,026 Sundays

Openings: News, Web, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $500 / week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior and have demonstrated an interest in print or online journalism.

How to apply: Cover letter (outlining which position most interests you), résumé, maximum 5 clips, three references. [Send to “ATTN: Internship recruiter”]

Other: Photo applicants should send portfolio on a CD. Graphics and Design applicants can send portfolios of 8.5x11 photocopied designs, non-returnable tearsheets or CDs. For more details, visit the Post’s internships page.

Deadline: Oct. 31


Des Moines Register

Address: 715 Locust St, Des Moines, IA 50309

Circulation: 138,519 daily; 222,122 Sundays

Openings: News, Sports, Multimedia, Copy Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior. Must also be a journalism major or have demonstrated commitment to print journalism. Experience on a college publication and a previous internship are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, maximum 6 clips, three references. Multimedia candidates can provide a URL where their portfolio can be viewed or send a portfolio on a disc.

Contact: Audrey Odessa Burgs, Night City Editor, (515) 284-8065

Other: Our program is at a level that may overwhelm one who has not worked on a professional daily newspaper. The ability to speak Spanish and knowledge of Iowa also are valuable. For more details, visit the Register’s internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Detroit News

Address: 615 W. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, MI 48226

Circulation: 188,171 daily; 172,357 Saturdays (no Sunday publication)

Openings: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics, Design, Online Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $524 / week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior and have had at least one prior internship.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, three references, 7-10 clips and a 300-word statement on your strongest influence in journalism.

Contact: Walter Middlebrook, Director of Recruiting, (313) 222-2429

Other: For more details, visit the News’ internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 15


Erie Times-News

Address: 205 W. 12th St., Erie, PA 16534

Circulation: 55,397 daily; 75,746 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Web (7 total) Duration: Summer

Salary: $387/week - $413/week

To Qualify: Preference goes to applicants with at least junior status. Previous daily internships or college newspaper experience – including multimedia skills – is needed.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips.

Contact: Rick Sayers, Executive Editor, (814) 870-1742

Other: An interview, writing and/or copy-editing test is required of interns.

Deadline: Dec. 31


Erie Times-News

Address: 205 W. 12th St., Erie, PA 16534

Circulation: 55,397 daily; 75,746 Sundays

Openings: Copy (1) Duration: Spring

Salary: $387/week - $413/week

To Qualify: Preference goes to applicants with at least junior status. Previous daily internships or college newspaper experience – including multimedia skills – is needed.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips.

Contact: Rick Sayers, Executive Editor, (814) 870-1742

Other: An interview, writing and/or copy-editing test is required of interns.

Deadline: Open


Florida Times-Union
Address: P.O. Box 1949, Jacksonville, FL 32231
Circulation: 144,391 daily; 201,352 Sundays
Openings: News, Copy, Design, Graphics, Photo Duration: 12 weeks, summer
Salary: $375-$500 / week (based on years of college)
To Qualify: Preference given to those who have held previous summer internships and individuals who have proved an interest in a print journalism career.
How to apply: Cover letter, résumé (including GPA), two references (at least one from within the academic community).
Coulter Kirkpatrick, Administrative Editor, (904) 359-4573
Other: It is not necessary that applicants be journalism majors, but it is desirable. Interns must have their own vehicles. For more details, visit the Times-Union’s
internships page.
Deadline: Dec. 1


Honolulu Advertiser

Address: P.O. Box 3110, Honolulu, HI 96802

Circulation: 140,331 daily; 150,276 Sundays

Openings: Various Duration: Summer

How to apply: Cover letter, resume, 6 clips, 3 references, letter of recommendation.

Contact: Shauna Goya, Intern Coordinator, (808) 535-2425

Deadline: Dec. 31


Jackson Citizen-Patriot

Address: 214 S. Jackson St., Jackson, MI 49201

Circulation: 30,825 daily; 34,812 Sundays

Openings: News (2), Photo, Copy (only summer) Duration: 12 weeks - Fall, Spring, Summer

Salary: $9.65/hour (Full-time For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must have campus newspaper experience.

How to apply: Cover letter, resumé and clips.

Contact: Tom Perrin, Metro editor, (517) 782-3503

J. Scott Park, Photo

Jerry Sova, Copy

Other: News – October (on-campus interviews), Photo - Deadlines on a rolling basis, Copy – Mar. 1


The (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Journal-Gazette

Address: 600 W Main St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Circulation: 64,304 daily; 111,485 Sundays

Openings: 3 total - Most newsroom departments Duration: 10 weeks, Summer

Salary: $400/week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must have completed sophomore year before internship starts. Must have previous internship experience or work at student publications.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 5-6 clips. Send to “ATTN: Internship Coordinator.”

Contact: Ed Breen, Asst. Managing Editor/Photo, (260) 461-8771

Lisa Green, Business Editor, (260) 461-8200

Other: Students are responsible for their own housing and transportation while they are interning, although we can make suggestions.

Deadline: Jan. 1


(Peoria, Ill.) Journal-Star

Address: 1 News Plaza, Peoria, IL. 61643

Circulation: 65,320 daily; 80,394 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Photo (6 total) Duration: Fall, Summer, Spring

Salary: $405/week

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips.

Contact: News: Michael Cecil, (309) 686-3117

Copy: Kelly VanLaningham, (309) 686-3185

Photo: Eric Behrens, (309) 686-3137

Other: We generally select spring interns by December, summer interns by March and fall interns by June or July.

Deadline: Open


Grand Rapids Press

Address: 155 Michigan St. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Circulation: 128,930 daily; 177,026Sundays

Openings: Reporting Duration: Fall

To Qualify: Previous internships or extensive freelance experience a plus.

How to apply: Send a cover letter, resume and at least five varied clips

Contact: Peg West, Asst. Metro Editor

Other: Interns receive a variety of experience, from crime reporting to business. This could be a good chance to keep your skills fresh and gain some valuable experience if you are still in the job market.


Lansing State Journal

Address: 120 E. Lenawee St., Lansing MI 48919

Circulation: 58,948 daily; 76,887 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Copy, Sports

Duration: 12 weeks -- Fall (part time – News only), Spring (part time – News only), Summer (full time)

Salary: $11/hour For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Experience is recommended but not required. Freelance assignments count. Class work does not.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, at least three print clips, links to multimedia work or DVDs (highly recommended), references.

Contact: Belinda Thurston, Asst. Managing Editor, (517) 377-1286

Other: The LSJ is a fast-paced work environment that can help prepare any student for the real world. But it also demands self-starters, innovators and multimedia-savvy journalists.

Deadlines: Fall – June 30, Spring – Nov. 30, Summer – Jan.


The Lima (Ohio) News

Address: 3515 Elida road, Lima, Ohio 45807

Circulation: 32,860 daily; 40,092 Sundays

Openings: Summer: News, Design, Photo (2) ; Fall/Winter/Spring: Photo (2)

Duration: 12 weeks (but photo interns can work up to 24 weeks)

Salary: $360 / week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: At least prior experience on student newspaper.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 8-12 clips or a photo/design portfolio.

Contact: News or Design: Jim Krumel, Editor, (419) 993-2076

Photo: Craig Orosz, Photo Editor, (419) 993-2057

Other: Applications are accepted throughout the year, but students are encouraged to apply at least three months prior to the internship.

Deadline: Open


The Los Angeles Times

Address: 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012

Circulation: 773,884 daily; 1,101,981 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Cover letter, resume, 1-page essay, up to 12 clips and three references.

Contact: Randy Hagihara, Editorial Internship Director, (213) 237-7992,

Deadline: Jan. 1


The Miami Herald

Address: One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132-1693

Circulation: 240,223 daily; 311,245 Sundays

Openings: 8 total - News, Copy, Design, Photo, Video, Multimedia

Duration: 12 weeks – Spring, Summer, Fall 2009

Salary: $520 / week (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: At least one prior full-time internship is required.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 6-8 clips.

Contact: Rick Hirsch, Multimedia Director, (305) 376-3504

Deadline: Oct. 31


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Address: 333 W. State St., Milwaukee, WI 53201-0371

Circulation: 217,755 daily; 384,539 Sundays

Openings: News, Sports, Entertainment, Copy, Graphics, Design, Photo, Web

Duration: max. 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $450 / week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Journalism majors preferred, or must intend to pursue a career in journalism. At least one previous professional internship required. Preference given to students entering or completing their senior year.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips/portfolio.

Contact: Marilyn Krause, Sr. Editor / Administration, (414) 224-2185

Other: Visit internship Web site for more details.

Deadline: Nov. 1


Muskegon Chronicle
Address: 981 3rd St., Muskegon, MI 49440-1295
Circulation: 41,114 daily; 45,583 Sundays
Openings: Photo Duration: Summer, Fall, Spring
Salary: Paid
How to apply: Cover letter, resume with references and portfolio of photos. (Digital portfolios should include captions and be Macintosh compatible – No online portfolios.)
Greg Dorsett, Photo editor
Deadlines: Summer – Jan. 15, Fall – May 15, Winter – Sept. 15


Naples (Fla.) Daily News

Address: 1075 Central Ave., Naples, FL 34102

Circulation: 66,272 daily; 74,553 Sundays

Openings: Copy, Design, Graphics Duration: 12 weeks to six months

Salary: Paid (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Some grounding in journalism required.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips.

Contact: Kevin Hellyer, Asst. Managing Editor

Other: At The Naples Daily News, we value the role copy/design editors play in packaging well-edited stories and meaningful photos in our print editions. This is an internship that will appeal to a recent grad looking for solid experience and great clips from a newspaper known for strong photography and design elegance.

Deadline: Open



Address: 235 Pinelawn Road, Melville, NY 11747

Circulation: 379,613 daily; 441,728 Sundays

Openings: News Duration: Fall, Spring

Salary: $25 daily stipend [2 days per week) For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Must be a college student pursuing print journalism.

How to apply: Application form, cover letter, résumé, 500-word autobiography, maximum six clips and a letter from a school official stating the amount of credit to be earned and requirements to do so. [Send to “ATTN: Internship Coordinator”]

Contact:, (631) 843-2700

Other: Interns must provide their own car. For more details, visit Newsday’s internships page.

Deadlines: Nov. 8 – spring, May 31 – Fall



Address: 235 Pinelawn Road, Melville, NY 11747

Circulation: 379,613 daily; 441,728 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Graphic/Design Duration: 10 weeks, Summer

Salary: $523 / week (Full-time)

To Qualify: News interns must have completed their junior year, and photo and graphic/design interns must have completed their sophomore year before beginning the internship.

How to apply:

Reporting / Editing: Application form, cover letter, résumé, six clips, 300-word essay on the events that became a catalyst in your interest in journalism, 500-word autobiography (written in third-person, feature story format), 500-word news story based on the information given on the writing test (that will be sent after receipt of application), and a recent college transcript. [Send to “ATTN: Internship Coordinator”]

Photo: Application form, cover letter, résumé, 500-word autobiography, a representative sampling of your best work, and a list of photographic equipment you will bring with you to use during the internship.

Graphic/Design: Application form, cover letter, résumé, 500-word autobiography, a representative sampling of your best work.

Contact:, (631) 843-2700

Other: The summer program also provides intern seminars with Newsday staff members. Interns must provide their own car. A writing test will be sent upon receipt of each application. See full requirements online. For more details, visit Newsday’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 15


(Greensboro, N.C.) News & Record

Address: PO Box 20848, 200 E. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27401

Circulation: 84,339 daily; 101,409 Sundays

Openings: 1 each – News, Sports, Copy, Photo Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and clips.

Contact: Ann Morris, Managing Editor, (336) 373-7040

Other: Applicants are required to submit a portfolio of clips, layouts or photographs indicating strong news judgment, creativity, and ability to perform under deadline pressure. For more information, visit internships page.

Deadline: Jan. 15


The New York Times

Address: 620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018

Circulation: 1,077,256 daily; 1,476,400 Sundays

Openings: News (4), Graphics (1), Design (1), Photo (1), Copy Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $904

To Qualify: News reporting interns must be a senior or graduate student with a previous professional internship at a daily newspaper. Graphics/Design/Photo interns must be at least a sophomore and have had previous newspaper experience. Copy-editing interns must be at least a junior and have a previous internship through the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and 8-10 clips or a portfolio reflecting a variety of the applicant’s best work.

Contact: Sheila Rule, Senior Editor,

Other: For complete details on each internship position, see The New York Times’ online internships page. Housing available at NYU campus for interns who live outside the New York area – cost is offset in part by a housing allowance.

Deadlines: Nov. 15


The New York Times (in D.C.)

Address: 1627 Eye St. N.W., Seventh Floor, Washington, D.C. 20006

Circulation: 1,077,256 daily; 1,476,400 Sundays

Openings: David E. Rosenbaum Reporting Internship in Washington Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $600

To Qualify: Must be a senior or graduate student with previous daily newspaper experience. Preference given to students needing financial aid.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 8-10 clips, 500-word essay on the applicant’s specific interest in Washington news and proof of financial aid from college or university.

Contact: Adrianne Goodman, Washington Weekend Editor

Other: For complete details on this internship position, see The New York Times’ online internships page.

Deadlines: Nov. 15


The New York Times

Address: 620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018

Circulation: 1,077,256 daily; 1,476,400 Sundays

Openings: News Duration: Fall, Spring

Salary: Unpaid (6-8 hours/week) For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Preferred candidates will have demonstrated interest in journalism and completed previous internships at daily newspapers.

How to apply: Application form, cover letter (outlining what you hope to accomplish in the internship), résumé, two letters of recommendation, 6 clips.

Other: Interns work in The New York Times’ regional bureaus: Stamford, Newark, Trenton, Albany, Garden City and White Plains. For complete details on this internship position, see The New York Times’ online internships page.



The Oklahoman/

Address: P.O. Box 25125, Oklahoma City, OK 73

Circulation: 201,771 daily; 262,150 Sundays

Openings: 10 total: Reporting, Copy Editing, Design, Graphics, Online, Video and Photography

Duration: Summer 2009

Salary: $450 weekly For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must be juniors, seniors or graduate students. Prefer college newspaper, professional newspaper and/or online experience. A previous internship is required.

How to apply: Cover letter, resume and 5-7 clips.

Contact: Joe Hight, Director of Information & Development, (405) 475-3913

Other: A car is needed, a driver's license is required. Help with finding housing is available.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Orange County Register

Address: 625 N. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92701

Circulation: 250,724 daily; 311,982 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Resume, Cover letter, two letters of recommendation, college transcript and up to 10 work samples.

Contact: Dennis Foley, Internship Coordinator, (714) 796-6011

Deadline: Dec. 15


Orlando Sentinel

Address: 633 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801

Circulation: 227,593 daily; 332,030 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics (6 total) Duration: 10 weeks, Summer

Salary: $525/week

To Qualify: Previous internship is required. Preference is given to juniors and seniors.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, min. 7 clips.

Contact: (Mr.) Dana Eagles, Staff Development Editor, (407) 420-5427

Other: Photo and News applicants must have a car and driver’s license. For more details, visit the Sentinel’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 15


The Palm Beach Post

Address: P.O. Box 24700, West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Circulation: 164,474 daily; 195,608 Sundays

Openings: Metro, Business news Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $475/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: At least one previous professional internship.

How to apply: Cover letter explaining interest in The Post, résumé, references and 5-7 clips.

Contact: Lynn Kalber, Director of Administration/Newsroom, (561) 820-4400

Other: For more information, visit The Post’s online internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Palm Beach Post

Address: P.O. Box 24700, West Palm Beach, FL 33416

Circulation: 164,474 daily; 195,608 Sundays

Openings: Photo (2), Sports Duration: 16 weeks, fall

Salary: $475/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: At least one previous professional internship.

How to apply: Cover letter explaining interest in The Post, résumé, references and 5-7 clips.

Contact: Lynn Kalber, Director of Administration/Newsroom, (561) 820-4400

Loren Hosack, Photo Editor, (561) 820-4491

Other: Photo applicants should include at least one photo story and send their packets directly to photo editor. For more information, visit The Post’s online internships page.

Deadline: April 1


The Philadelphia Inquirer

Address: Box 8263, Philadelphia, Pa. 19101

Circulation: 334,150 daily; 630,665 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Graphics, Copy, Web Duration: Fall, Spring

Salary: Unpaid (part-time) For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Must be enrolled in a college or university. Preference is given to juniors and seniors.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 5-7 clips/portfolio, three references, one letter of recommendation, a credit-confirmation letter from the academic institution.

Contact: John Brumfield, Editorial Assistant, (215) 854-2689

Hai Do, Photo Editor, (215) 854-2000

Other: Applicants are encouraged to possess multimedia skills. A car and valid driver’s license are desirable. For more information, visit The Inquirer’s internships page.

Deadline: May 1 – Fall, Sept. 1 – Spring


The Philadelphia Inquirer

Address: Box 8263, Philadelphia, Pa. 19101

Circulation: 334,150 daily; 630,665 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Graphics, Copy, Web Duration: Summer

Salary: Paid (Full-time) For Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must be enrolled in a college or university. Preference is given to juniors and seniors.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 5-7 clips/portfolio, three references, one letter of recommendation, a credit-confirmation letter from the academic institution.

Contact: John Brumfield, Editorial Assistant, (215) 854-2689

Hai Do, Photo Editor, (215) 854-2000

Other: Applicants are encouraged to possess multimedia skills. A car and valid driver’s license are desirable. For more information, visit The Inquirer’s internships page.

Deadline: Feb. 1 – Summer


The Roanoke Times

Address: Times P.O. Box 2491 Roanoke, Va. 24010

Circulation: 88,927 daily; 100,120 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Design, Web Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: Paid / Full-time

To Qualify: Preference given to those who have had a previous internship or worked for college newspaper.

How to apply: Application form, cover letter, résumé, three references, 8-10 clips or a portfolio.


News: Dan Casey, Senor Editor for Enterprise, (540) 981-3340

Photo: Dan Beatty, Director of Photography, (540) 981-3340

Design and Web: Andrew Svec, Presentation Editor, (540) 981-3340

Other: For more information, visit the Times’ internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Sacramento Bee

Address: P.O. Box 15779, Sacramento, CA 95852

Circulation: 268,755 daily; 307,480 Sundays

Openings: 3 total – News, Copy Duration: 12 weeks, Summer

Salary: $575/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Open to college undergraduate and graduate students who are able to develop content for print or online through a variety of story-telling techniques.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, three references and 6-8 clips.

Contact: Jerry Eagan, Internship Coordinator, (916) 321-1054

Deadline: Feb. 28


St. Cloud Times

Address: P.O. Box 768, St. Cloud, MN 56302

Circulation: 25,868 daily; 35,654 Sundays

Openings: 2 total: News, Photo, Video, Copy, Design Duration: Spring, Summer, Fall

Salary: Unpaid (15-20 hours) For Credit: Mandatory

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and 3 clips.

Contact: Sue Halena, Managing Editor, (320) 255-8777

Deadline: Summer – March 1, Fall – July 1, Spring – Nov. 1


St. Petersburg Times

Address: P.O. Box 1121, St. Petersburg, FL 33731

Circulation: 316,007 daily; 432,779 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Op/Ed, Design, Photo, Web Duration: 10-12 weeks, Summer; 12 weeks, Fall (Photo only)

Salary: Paid (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be at least a sophomore for newsroom internships, and at least a junior for photo internship. Applicants should have experience at a college publication and at least one professional internship.

How to apply: Apply online.

Contact: Nancy Waclawek, (727) 893-8780

Other: For more details visit, the Times’ internships page.

Deadlines: News – Nov. 15, Photo (for fall) – April 1


The San Diego Union-Tribune

Address: 350 Camino de la Reina, San Diego, CA 92108

Circulation: 288,669 daily; 355,537 Sundays

Openings: 3 total - Metro news, Features, Business, Sports, Science, Op/Ed, Photo, Design, Copy Duration: 12 weeks, summer

Salary: $510/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be at least a junior. The strongest candidates have worked for a college newspaper for a couple of years and have completed at least two previous internships.

How to apply: Cover letter (mentioning which section you would prefer and how you could help improve the diversity of coverage), résumé, 6 clips.

Contact: Carol Goodhue, Training and Development Coordinator, (619) 293-1261

Other: For more information, visit The Union-Tribune’s internships page. Unpaid, for-credit internships are available throughout the academic year. Requirements to apply are the same, and applications are accepted throughout the year.

Deadline: Nov. 15


The San Francisco Chronicle

Address: 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103-2905

Circulation: 370,345 daily; 424,603 Sundays

Openings: News, Photo, Design, Graphics, Copy Duration: 10-12 weeks, Summer

Salary: $650/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Must be a junior. Previous newsroom experience with college newspaper or professional internship are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, professional references and work samples. News and Features applicants should submit 5-7 clips. Photo, Graphics, and Design applicants should provide a CD with 10-20 images. Send to “ATTN: Summer Internship Program, Human Resources Dept.”

Other: For complete details, visit The Chronicle’s internships page. Copy-editing interns are selected through the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund.

Deadline: Oct. 31


The San Jose Mercury News

Address: 750 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95190

Circulation: 234,772 daily; 251,851 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Cover letter, resume, references, 6-8 clips.

Contact: Katharine Fong, Deputy Managing Editor

Deadline: Nov. 3


The Seattle Times

Address: P.O Box 70, Seattle, WA 98111

Circulation: 220,863 daily; 409,231 Sundays

Openings: News (5), Multimedia, Photo, Copy, Design/Graphics Duration: 12 weeks, Summer

Salary: $540/week For-Credit: Optional

To Qualify: Must be at least a sophomore. Must be a journalism major or have demonstrated a commitment to print journalism. At least one previous journalism on a daily newspaper is preferred, and multimedia experience is a plus.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, three references, one-page essay describing your reasons for entering the newspaper profession.

Reporters should submit five clips, and photo applicants should submit 20 samples of work on a CD. Graphic/Design applicants should submit 12 samples of page designs (and do not require an essay).

Contact: Pat Foote, Asst. Managing Editor, (206) 464-2190

Other: For complete details, visit The Times’ internships page, or e-mail applications.

Deadline: Nov. 1


South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Address: 200 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Circulation: 218,286 daily; 303,399 Sundays

Openings: News, Business, Copy, Design, Graphics, Photo, Web Duration: 10 weeks - Summer

Salary: $530/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Preference is given to juniors, seniors, recent graduates and graduate students. Ideal candidates have experience on their college publication and at least one previous internship.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 7-10 clips.

Contact: Kathy Pellegrino, Recruitment Editor

Other: Ability to speak a second language and knowledge of South Florida also are valuable. For more information, visit the Sun-Sentinel’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 15


South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Address: 200 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Circulation: 218,286 daily; 303,399 Sundays

Openings: Sports Duration: 10 weeks - Fall

Salary: $530/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Preference is given to juniors, seniors, recent graduates and graduate students. Ideal candidates have experience on their college publication and at least one previous internship.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 7-10 clips.

Contact: Kathy Pellegrino, Recruitment Editor,

Other: For more information, visit the Sun-Sentinel’s internships page.

Deadline: March 1


South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Address: 200 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Circulation: 218,286 daily; 303,399 Sundays

Openings: Most newsroom departments, Broadcast, Web Duration: Fall, Spring, Summer

Salary: Unpaid For Credit: Mandatory

To Qualify: Preference is given to juniors, seniors, recent graduates and graduate students. Ideal candidates have experience on their college publication and at least one previous internship.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, 7-10 clips.

Contact: Kathy Pellegrino, Recruitment Editor,

Other: For more information, visit the Sun-Sentinel’s internships page.

Deadline: Open


Star Tribune

Address: 425 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55488

Circulation: 322,362 daily; 534,750 Sundays

Openings: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: 10 weeks, summer

Salary: $650/week

To Qualify: Applicants who’ve completed their junior year and have had a previous internship are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, clips/portfolio and two letters of reference.

Contact: Brenda Rotherham, Recruiting Manager, (612) 673-4422

Other: For more information, visit the Star Tribune’s internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


The Tampa Tribune

Address: 200 S. Parker St., Tampa, FL 33606

Circulation: 220,522 daily; 283,784 Sundays

Openings: Variable Duration: Summer

How to apply: Application form, Cover letter, resume, 6 clips, 500-word essay, 3 references.

Contact: Duke Maas, Managing Editor, (813) 259-7600

Other: For more information, see the Tribune’s internships page.

Deadline: Dec. 1


USA Today

Address: 7950 Jones Branch Drive, 7th Floor, McLean, VA 22108

Circulation: 2,284,219 daily

Openings: 30 total - Most newsroom departments, Photo, Graphics, Audio/Video

Duration: 12 weeks – Fall, Spring, Summer

Salary: Unpaid, except for a $200 monthly transportation stipend. For Credit: Mandatory

How to apply: Apply online, or send cover letter (indicating top three preferences for placement, detailed skills and availability), three references, resumé, 3-5 clips or links to online work.


Other: For more details, visit USA Today’s internships page. With the exception of Life and Money internships, all interns are placed in the Washington D.C. headquarters.

Deadlines: Oct. 15 – Winter/Spring; Dec. 1- Summer; Fall – April 1


The Virginian-Pilot

Address: 150 W. Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23510

Circulation: 175,005 daily; 200,012 Sundays

Openings: 12 total: News, Copy, Photo, Graphics, Design Duration: 12 weeks, Summer

Salary: $575/week

To Qualify: Experience on a college newspaper is required and a previous internship is preferred. Preference goes to juniors and seniors, though sophomores and graduate students also are eligible.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé, three references, 9-10 clips (or at least 20 samples for Photo, Design and Graphics applicants).

Contact: Denise Bridges, Director of Newsroom Recruitment

Other: News and photo applicants must have their own car.

Deadline: Open


Wall Street Journal

Address: 200 Liberty St., New York, NY 10281

Circulation: 2,069,463 daily; 1,984,128 Sundays

Openings: 18 total - News Duration: 10 weeks, Summer

Salary: $700/week (Full-time)

To Qualify: Open to all undergraduate or graduate students interested in business news and information reporting. Previous professional internships and extensive experience on a campus newspaper are preferred.

How to apply: Cover letter, résumé and at least 12 clips.

Contact: Cathy Panagoulias, Asst. Managing Editor, (212) 416-2000

Other: Interns are placed in one of the Journal’s news bureaus across the U.S. For more information, visit the Journal’s internships page.

Deadline: Nov. 1


** Circulation numbers are based on the average circulation numbers
for the three months up to 3/31/08, as reported by the
Audit Bureau of Circulations.

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